Friday, March 27, 2009

All I Need Is Jesus Ch 2

Ch 2 I am not a supermodel

Q#1 Do you feel pressure to look a certain way? Where does it come from?

Yes, I do feel that pressure. Ever since having Paisley and moving to California I have lost the confidence that I used to have. I am slowly but surely gaining that back. The pressure comes from myself, I am always comparing myself to more fit and in shape women, but that is what makes me get my butt off the couch and working out again, so I do not mind comparing.

Q#2 How do you think God views how you look?

I think it hurts His feelings when I do not fully appreciate the God given beauty He has blessed me with. I think He is pleased when I take care of my body and eat healthier and excersize, for both me and for my families sake.

Q#3 Do you give more care to your "inner" or "outer" beauty?

Sadly my outer. It is easier to focus on the outer beauty. The inner beauty takes a lot more work. Now that I have been challenged though, I will arise to the occasion and change that.

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