Monday, February 16, 2009

Freed To Be Healed

February 1st, 2009
Matthew 18:15-35

- When you find yourself offended, go to the one who offended you. Let them know that they offended you. Don't go around telling everyone else of how they have offended you, go to the source.

- when you hold on to an offense, you become the problem.

- The Lord has blessings for your heart and life, when you hold on to offenses you are putting up walls keeping those out.

- verse 35 in Matthew 18
God has destined us for greatness don't get caught up and dragged down by not forgiving.
As many times as we have been forgiven, it would be hypocritical to not forgive others.
Practice faith and forgiveness always.

- Mark 11
- 1 Peter 3
- Matthew 6
- James 5 13-16

- Luke 37-38 reminds us that we set our own measuring line.
It is human to not forgive, judge, hold on to offenses and wrongs done towards us, our heavenly Father can change that. The measure you use on others will be used on you.

- Refuse to be the victim. see Genesis 50:20
Give it to the Lord, do not hold on to it and allow yourself to be the victim. The Lord will use it for his good.

- Remember that they are human, pray that you can see them through God's eyes.

- Remember that God is just, God sees the wrongs and He will right them, therefore there is no need to hold on to it yourself. Pray for those who hurt you!

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