This is Saturday the first day that we worked on the site. We drove about 30 min from our camp to the work site. It was at the very tip top of a gnarly dirt hill, scattered with run down and mix matched hut type homes... I do not really know how to explain it... When we arrived the cement slab was already poured and ready to go. It was our responsibility to build (everything by hand, no power tools) the frame and the roof the first day. It was exciting to be a part of each process. The men of the trip were gracious and taught us all how to do each task, never pushing us aside. I got a chance to do it all, and I LOVED it. My favorite was hanging from the frame, nailing at the tops of the walls. (that was the second day I guess, but that would be my favorite) I only have a few pictures, I will add more from my friend Jessi's camera once I get them. But here they are for now.
Also, the little boys in the picture are some of the neighborhood boys that would run through whenever they pleased. I sat with the little man in the striped shirt and handsome smile attempting to tell him that "Jesus Christo, is in his heart" as I pointed at my heart... he was really excited for a few minutes then once he realized "Jesus Christo" was about all the spanish I could speak he bolted... very sweet boy though, he was one of my favorites. AND if you look at the pics showing the frame up on the left you can see a make shift ply board room-ish looking thing, that is the bathroom. With a sheet from the hospital nailed at the top only (waving in the wind) as the door. There is a toilet (that has NEVER been cleaned) that sits on top of a hole in the ground.(therefore it does not flush gravity just takes its course) There was always standing water (well not water I guess... pee and poop to be exact!) so as you are squatting you have to pee OH SO gently as to not splash everyone elses left overs all over the back of your own legs... it was interesting to say the least! We were on site from 8AM til 6PM and headed back to camp for dinner showers and worship time before bed and starting all over again the next morning.
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