We ask that you pray and trust with us. The Lord has put it on my heart to go on my first missions trip. It is a short but sweet one just down to Mexico. But from the moment I heard about the trip the Lord has kept it on my heart. Financially we are in no way able to afford for me to go, but I am trusting that if He wants me there as His hands and feet He will provide a way. Jason has offered to stay home with the kids this time so that I can go and make the most of the experience. I am thoroughly looking forward to how the Lord will make a way. I have a willing heart and I know He will provide as He has time and time again! Please pray with us for the financial provisions for myself and any others who are willing but can not afford to go. Also for the safety of everyone. I have heard nothing positive about the area and the government, but we are in Gods territory! If you have any questions or are even interested in going yourself send me an email I will get you all the info I can. Thank you for being in prayer with us on this exciting opportunity to share Gods love.
Love Traci
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