I never was any good at the short version...
(For those reading be aware I am talking about my pregnancy and some things may be considered gross to some.)
I woke up this morning with intense contractions having flash backs to Paisley's severely painful delivery. After an hour of watching the clock and them staying at 3-4 min apart I called the Dr and they of course said to go straight to the labor and delivery (this would be my 4th visit between Kaiser and Paisley's pregnancies NOT counting the actual delivery) so I knew the drill. I woke Jason up to let him know I was going in to be monitored. So he stayed home with Paisley and off I went to the hospital. The dark cold empty roads were foreign to me as I have not been out side after dark but twice in the last 5 months. Between contractions and tears I managed to get to the hospital, park and find my way inside safely. When I arrived they were waiting for me and wheeled me up to LD (labor and delivery) once upstairs everything happened right on cue. "Pee in a cup and leave us a sample, get undressed, the opening goes in the back," and so on. After the kind nurse helped me get my socks on she walked me to my new resting area for the next part of the early morning. They monitored my contractions and gave me a shot of Terbutaline. That kicked in 30 quick seconds later... and then came the interesting part! The lovely nurse explained that she needed to check to see if I was dilated. She said that I HAD thinned out since my appointment only a few days ago on the 23rd. After checking me she went typing away into the computer. Suddenly she turned to me and literally freaked out asking me if I had placenta previa, I said yes my Dr has told me that I have it. (I was never allowed to take sex education growing up... so I know ZILCH when it comes to this pregnancy stuff and the inside workings of my own body. I just happened to research placenta previa online a few days prior, so I had some clue how dangerous it was but still not to the fullest--see previous blog post for explanation of placenta previa) she explained that NOTHING should be "up there" because if the placenta was to rupture then we are in serious trouble. I apologized for not telling her how to do her job (very politely) and explained I assumed she new and I was trusting she checked my charts before she checked me... after a few moments of nervousness of whether or not she caused any damage we moved on to the next dilemma. Next they/we thought that my water had broke as I was sitting in a mini puddle of... something. They tested it and were inconclusive as to whether it was amniotic fluid or not, so they brought in the ultrasound to see how much fluid Kai still had surrounding him. There was enough fluids still that they were not concerned and said to just let them know if there was any more. Well here is a gross part... I am in the process of losing my mucus plug, and on top of that the placenta previa causes a strange sort of bleeding here and there, so now every time I have to pee it is a new "scare" to see what is or is not coming out. (End of gross part, sorry) Well by now 3 hours of monitoring had past and the shot of Terbutaline had worked for the first 2 hours then they began to return, but only back to my "normal contractions" so they talked with the on call Dr and returned with the news. Officially I am on the highest level of at home bedrest. I have been given strict orders and they read: Your activity will be complete bed rest and in most cases requires hospitalization to achieve. With this restriction you should spend your time in bed and laying flat. This may involve using a bed pan and having sponge baths. In some cases a bedside commode will be allowed. (as if that is a privilege?)
The nurse was kind enough to give me permission to get up ONLY to use the restroom and nothing else. So no bedside commode or bedpan will be needed... THANK GOD. After giving me this news the nurse explained the importance of adhering to these rules. She informed me that the next step will be hospitalization. She also informed/threatened me that they are very strict at not allowing any children into the rooms due to flu scare and how at risk pregnant women are. So if I were to end up in the hospital (she mentioned she wasn't even sure why they were not admitting me in the first place) that I would NOT see my daughter for the next 7 plus weeks! (Of course she finally had my attention) She also explained that I am a huge risk between the early labor and the placenta previa. The placenta previa is the largest reason as to why the bedrest is so strict and mandatory as it puts both Kaiser and me at risk of bleeding out and dying. Just standing causes gravity to take effect and because he is head down and where my placenta is still resting, that gravity itself (nevermind the contractions on top of it) can cause the membrane to rupture and put us both at a huge risk.
So needless to say I have been laying down all day and will be until Feb the 14th when I can stop my meds and Kaiser will be far along enough to come out safely. (as far as my Dr is concerned) Jason has it worked out to get a computer to take home so he can work from home 3 days a week and the other two days friends have stepped in to help watch Paisley for the day so Jason can go in to work. Friends have already started bringing us dinners and blessing us just by offering to help out in any way they can. We know that the Lord has a plan for everything and though we may not know WHAT that is, it's not the point. The point is that He never gives us more than we can handle and since He is along side of us and building our relationship together as a family learning to REALLY TRULY lean on one another and other friends and family for support we WILL come out victorious with a healthy handsome baby Kaiser. A family friend sent a bunch of scriptures for encouragement and this one stuck with me and will be with me for the next few weeks.
Hebrews 10:35-36 (AMP) 35 Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward.
36 For you have need of steadfast patience and endurance, so that you may perform and fully accomplish the will of God, and thus receive and carry away [and enjoy to the full] what is promised.
As always I am an open book, if you have any questions please feel free to call... I wont be busy ;) Also for anyone willing to pray for our family in this time of need, here are some of the specifics that we as a family are praying for:
JASON to be filled with peace, patience and communication through these trying times as he is asked to play Dad and Mom. Also some time to himself, I know how important that is for my sanity and he has always made sure I got it as often as possible, I pray the same for him.
PAISLEY to remember everything she has been taught when spending time at others homes, that she be on her best behavior for those so kind to watch her for us. I ask for her safety as this will be a first experience of consistent babysitting. Lastly that she be blessed and make some great memories and never look back at this time and feel neglected. That she experience nothing but LOVE and excitement as she adjusts to these sudden but needed changes.
KAISER that he would continue to grow quickly so when he does arrive that he is "complete" and perfectly healthy. That he is kept safe in my womb where the Lord has so miraculously designed for him to be. That however the delivery may be (vaginal or c-section) that it be an enjoyable safe experience for us both.
PRAY FOR THOSE HELPING US OUT that the Lord would bless them 10 fold. That the Lord would find a way for us to bless them in return at a later time and they would truly know what a blessing they are to our humble family. Special thanks to those so willing/insisting to watch Paisley for us on a weekly basis (Amber & Joel, Steve and Donna, Vanessa and family) also a thank you to Oakley and Jason's bosses for being behind him/us 100% and taking a big relief off his shoulders. And all of the gracious people bringing us dinners, it is a huge help to our family. Also for all of those would help if they could, we appreciate your generosity as well, GOD bless them ALL!
For myself I just ask that the Lord continues to bring me comfort and peace. That I can keep my sanity and positive perspective to help keep my family encouraged and going strong.
I read this this afternoon and I will close with this...
He never truly becomes all we need until we realize He is all we have. (an old saying quoted in one of favorite books "Surprise Endings" By Ron Mehl)
That is all for now!
Monday, December 28, 2009
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